“People who love to eat are always the best people.” –Julia Child

ProfileThanks for visiting passioneats. I’m Pennie and this blog is a culmination of a lifelong passion. I love to cook, entertain and share my appetite for all things culinary. Raised in a food-obsessed family, I come from a long line of knowledgeable cooks and seasoned eaters. For the past twenty plus years, I raised two beautiful kids, all the while plying them with the fruits of my labors. Along the way, I attended culinary school, taught cooking classes, and dabbled in some catering on the side.

My own journey in the kitchen has been to perfect my craft and push my own boundaries. I love to explore new cuisines, follow new chefs, discover new ingredients and trends–the inspirations are endless. I hope to appeal to cooks who also want to expand their horizons and keep things interesting in the kitchen.

passioneats was launched in January 2011 as a vehicle to share recipes, ideas and thoughts on cooking, travel, entertaining and the food world in general. Your comments and feedback are always appreciated; feel free to contact me at pennie@passioneats.com.